Prot-eco is a line of biological professional products to combat pests, deficiencies and plant diseases with maximum quality and effectiveness. These products can be used in a combined way, since they do not suppose an aggression for the plant and are compatible between them. In our online grow shop we tell you everything in detail!
Non-systemic shock insecticide that acts by ingestion and contact. It should be used only in the presence of pests. It is used for the control of aphids both indoors and outdoors and only acts by contact and ingestion, so it must ensure proper spraying. Product suitable for all agricultural crops and can also be used in warehouses, premises, storage rooms, houses, etc.
--> Buy Bio 6000 Piretrin Plus
It is recommended for the control of aphids, ants, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies, Bostrichidae, Bean weevil, Caeciliidae, Curculionidae, Darkling beetle and other weevils.
● Apply in normal pulverization: (4-6ml/L). Single dose ready for 10-15 L of water, according to need. Do not apply on wet plants or in draughts.
● Bio 6000 Piretrin Plus + Mobet: The mixture of these two products becomes very effective against whitefly pests, thrips, aphids, mealybugs and miner insects.
Natural product that constitutes a nutritional source of potassium for the crops. Its application improves the quality and general appearance of the treated crops. It invigorates the plant to mitigate the ravages caused by different adverse factors.
The function of Mobet for the control of pests and diseases is that when mixed with other Prot-eco products, it makes the insecticide remain in the plant for longer.
● Foliar application: from 3 to 10 ml/L. Make treatments every 10-15 days in a preventive way, wetting the whole plant, including flowers and the back of the leaves, in hours of low luminosity and avoiding high temperatures.
● Mobet + Bio 6000 Piretrin Plus: The mixture of these two products becomes very effective against whitefly pests, thrips, aphids, mealybugs and miner insects.
● Mobet + Bio Neem: By mixing these two products we make Bio neem become effective for a longer time, since thanks to Mobet the product will last longer in the plant.
It activates and forces plants to activate defense mechanisms in stressful situations. Helps to fight against mites, micro mites, red spider and has effects against powdery mildew 15 days before harvest.
● Foliar application: 2 - 2.5 ml / L. Ph: 6.5 / 7. Make applications every 10-15 days until the plague is controlled. Wet the entire plant well, especially the underside of the leaves.
● Cinnaprot + Esencialprot: Use the combination of the two products in advanced pests of spider mites and mites. First apply Cinnaprot and 2 or 3 days later apply Esencialprot.
● Cinnaprot + Oidioprot: Use this mixture on plants with powdery mildew infections that exceed 50% of the plant, Cinnaprot and Oidioprot will be mixed directly at the doses indicated in the table.
Bio Neem from Prot-eco is a product made from 100% Neem seed oil extract. It promotes the biological defense processes of the plant itself and has a marked repellent and fortifying action against possible attacks by pathogenic fungi (Mildius, Botrytis, Roya, etc.).
Bio Neem stimulates the biological processes of plant defenses, acts as a repellent against insects and strengthens them against pathogenic fungi such as mildew, botrytis, rust and others.
Bio Neem dosage:
● Foliar application: 1 to 2 ml / L. Wet the entire plant very well, including flowers and undersides of the leaves.
● Root application and cuttings bath: 2 to 3 ml / L.
● Bio Neem + Bio 6000 PIretrin Plus: The mixture of these two products will kill almost any pest of insects, such as whitefly, thrips, aphids, mealybugs, mites, etc.
● Bio Neem + Mobet: The mixture with Mobet makes the Bio Neem stay impregnated for a longer time in the plants, fortifying its effectiveness.
● Bio Neem + Esencialprot: By mixing these two products we obtain greater penetration, reaching places where other insecticides or pesticides do not reach.
Product composed of plant extracts from the theaceae family. Suitable for the control of snail and slug attacks that appear in outdoor and greenhouse crops, in the seasons of greater frequency of rain. It prevents these and other gastropods from damaging the tender parts of the plant and helping it to recover quickly.
Snailprot acts against snails, slugs and other gastropods.
● Foliar application: 5ml / L. Wet the entire plant well, especially the underside of the leaves, stems and trunk.
Natural product from essential oils of citrus fruits and other plant extracts. It acts as a coadjuvant in the treatments, significantly increasing the contact between the pest, the plant and the penetration of pesticides. The product helps pesticides to get into hard-to-reach places on the plant. It also prevents moisture condensation on top of the leaf, causing mites to suffocate and making it difficult for fungi to proliferate.
This product helps fight spider mites and mites and makes it difficult for fungi to appear.
● Foliar application: 1.5 ml / L of water in treatments with vegetation.
● Do not increase the dose at high temperatures. Do not mix with acid or alkaline reaction products, with sulfur, copper, or other chelated metal products.
Cinnaprot + Esencialprot: This is one of the best mixtures to combat red spiders and mites. To quickly kill spider mite pests, apply Cinnaprot and 2 or 3 days later apply Esencialprot.
- Cinnaprot
- Esencialprot
- Bio Neem
- Mobet
- Bio Neem
- Piretrin Plus
- Alliumprot
- Snailprot
Product made from a mixture of nutrients and factors for the growth of microflora from the extract of microorganisms that prevent the development of the fungus.
In outdoor cultivation, two applications should be made in the space of 3 to 5 days at a dose of 5 gr/L. In indoor cultivation or greenhouse, and in case of serious attacks, make two applications of the product in an interval of 6 to 7 days with a dose of 5 gr/L.
● Usual dose: 5 gr/L every 10 - 15 days. PH mixture: 7.5/8 approx. Oidoprot is a specific product for the control of Oidios and can be mixed with the majority of biological phytosanitary products.
Product made from a mixture of nutrients and factors for the growth of microflora with a direct effect on the fungus that prevent its development. It acts by contact to control roots of fungal origin (Botrytis, Sclerotinia). Through the activation of vegetable enzymes, the product promotes its own defense processes in the treated plant. Botryprot also influences the increase of quantity and quality of the harvest. The product is suitable for outdoor, indoor and greenhouse use.
Mix the dose with water and spray the entire plant including the flowers (soak them) ensuring that the product penetrates inside. Apply in hours of low light. It is suitable for outdoor, indoor and greenhouse crops.
● Foliar application: 2 to 2.5 ml / L every 10 or 15 days (depending on the severity of the attack).
● PH mix 5.5 - 6.5.
This product strengthens the structural wall of the plant and influences the development of all its parts. It is valid for organic crops. Equiprot exerts a biological control of diseases of fungal origin (Sectoriosis, Alternaria, Fusarium, Crivado, Dent, Mildew, etc). Its use is suitable for self-cultivation, indoor and greenhouse.
Wet well all the green organs of the plant, including flowers and undersides of the leaves. For treatments on seedlings or cuttings with little root mass, the lowest dose will be used.
● Foliar dosage: 7 to 10 ml/L (depending on the desired effect and the state of the crop)
● Mixed PH: 5,5 - 6,5.
This product is a fortifier made up of fermented vegetable proteins and stimulants, suitable for organic farming and zero residue. It acts as a phyto strengthening against all types of mildew, also as a biocatalyst inducer of defense in a preventive way. It can be applied to all types of crops.
We recommend starting with the treatment of Mildiuprot + when the weather conditions are favorable for the development of the Mildiu.
Mix Mildiuprot plus with water and shake vigorously, pulverize the plants, wetting the whole plant and underside of the leaves well.
● Foliar application: 2,5 - 3 ml/L. Repeat two to three times at 8 to 10 day intervals. Wet the whole plant well and the underside of the leaves.
Protective product against trunk, root and neck rots (Phyttoptora parasitica, Verticilium, Fusarium, etc). It is recommended to apply in waterlogged soils, excess of irrigation and heavy rains.
● Foliar application: from 2 to 5 ml/L, wetting trunk, branches and neck. For seedlings and cuttings: from 2 to 3 ml/L.
● Application in irrigation: 1.5 - 2.5 ml per plant, indistinctly of the liters of water used to irrigate. For seedlings or cuttings: 2 - 2,5 ml/L. PH of 6,5 / 7,5. Apply in intervals of 10 to 15 days. Wet all the organs well.